Dr. O'Donovan

Brand and Website Development for YouTuber with 300k+ Subscribers

In short
We helped bring Dr. O'Donovan's online presence together by designing a new logo, brand and website that serves as a central hub for his 200,000+ YouTube subscribers and a clear pathway for commercial partnerships. The project included comprehensive user research, a custom design system, and the development of a responsive, feature-rich site using Webflow. The revamped site not only enhances user engagement but also streamlines interactions with potential commercial partners.
Private client
February 2024

Project Kick-off

Recently, the team at Actualyse was approached by Dr. O'Donovan, a prominent YouTuber with over 200,000 subscribers, to redesign his website and create a cohesive brand identity. To kick off the project, the team began by conducting user research to understand the needs and behaviors of Dr. O'Donovan's followers and commercial partners. Based on this research, they created personas and user journeys to inform the design process.

Developing a Design System

Next, the team at Actualyse worked on developing a design system for Dr. O'Donovan. This included defining the brand's visual identity, typography, imagery, styles, patters and color palette. Using this design system as a guide, the team designed wireframes and high-fidelity mockups for the website's user interface (UI).

Bringing Design to Life

Once the UI design was finalized, the team at Actualyse used Webflow to bring the design to life. They developed custom interactions and animations to enhance the user experience (UX) and ensure that the website was visually appealing and easy to navigate.

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The Design Was Rocket-ish

With the wireframes as a guide, we got to work on the design of the website. We kept the design clean and modern with a focus on making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. We also incorporated Dr. O'Donovan's branding to give the website a cohesive look and feel.

Webflow Development

With the design complete, we moved on to development using Webflow. This allowed us to create a responsive website that looks and functions great on all devices. We also integrated various features such as a contact form and live chat to make it easy for users to connect with Dr. O'Donovan.


In conclusion, with a little bit of research, wireframing, design, and Webflow development magic, Dr. O'Donovan's brand and business info was merged into a smooth experience for users, serving as a hub for his followers and a point of contact for commercial partners.

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